Whilst I’ve been off leading face-to-face classes for the last month due to my illness (I’m missing you all a LOT and hope you’re having fun with my dep team), I’ve been keeping myself busy brewing up something new with my brand sparkling new Patreon page! I’ve been making online Beanstalk Arts resources that you can listen to and view from anywhere in the world. On sign up you’ll be able to view all resources so far, then every Monday a new song video will be added! There will be monthly bedtime story podcasts (listen straight away to the tale of Derek the Dragon), monthly online streamed classes and you’ll get downloads of all the Becky, Boris and Beats back catalogue and new songs as they’re recorded. Oh, and not to forget a whopping big discount on the Beanstalk Arts shop, and gifts and subscribers on the snazzier tiers will get a welcome goody bag and other gifts in the post!
Patreon is a micro-funding site which helps creative businesses like Beanstalk Arts maintain a sustainable income, interact more with customers, and also is a great platform for experimenting with new creative ideas! For less than three quid a month – that’s less than the price of a cup of coffee – you’ll have access to everything straight away.
Find out more and subscribe at www.patreon.com/beanstalkarts – after signing up I’ll be in touch with your unique code to download the current Becky, Boris and the Beats album, and you’ll be able to download the podcast and view videos straight away! Please do share this with any friends and family members, and there will be special extra gifts for subscribers 70, 80, 90 and 100 regardless of the tier of membership!