Classes and Events

It’s been a strange old year at Beanstalk Arts, but we have lots of different offerings, both online and in real life, over the coming months, and hope to gradually adding in more over the following months, so do keep an eye on this page! We’re also available to book for bespoke projects, festivals, schools and other magical, musical, creative happenings, so do feel free to get in touch to discuss your projects to becky@beanstalkarts.co.uk. 

Real life preschool classes

We’re back with our COVID-secure, real life sessions in South East London. These are joyful, music filled classes for parents/carers with their preschooler children, and we hope to be offering more soon…

Online preschool classes

But if you’re further afield, or can’t get to a real life class, we’re also continuing to run our online zoom, livestream and audio only sessions! 

Kids uke groups

For kids learning the ukulele – at the moment we’re offering online self paced courses for beginner and intermediate kids on the ukulele, and live zoom interactive ‘story playalong jam sessions’ for children who have mastered a few chords. Real life options *hopefully* coming soon as well! 

Grown up ukulele lessons and jams

One of the newest additions to the Beanstalk Arts timetable are our online grown up ukulele lessons, for total beginners, improvers and PAYG jam sessions, and also some CPD ukulele sessions for early years practitioners too! 

Becky, Boris & the Beats

Listen to the songs from Cello Stories on CD or digital download.